LSP–025 Mord Fuzztang – Live at G5

LSP–025 Mord Fuzztang – Live at G5

CHF 25.00

This is a live record. Or let’s say it is a record that was recorded live. All at once! To capture something, to get it on tape. Like a photograph, it is thus inevitably a snapshot, albeit stretched into the length of forty minutes. Photographs are variations, variations of moments. On this EP Mord Fuzztang offer you variations of four of their musical pieces. Like with most things in life these musical pieces are never really the same. «Death Set Table», for instance, from performance to performance can last up to anything between 8 minutes to 20. It is a musical piece that is inherently based on the joy of making music together: It’s heart is a long, sometimes very sprawling improvisation part, in which all instruments play with and against each other. The duration of this part is not fixed, so that each performance creates its own version of the song. In this respect, what Domi Chansorn recorded in his G5 studio in spring 2022 on four tracks can never be the original. Rather it is proof of a specific way of how the said musical pieces came into being in a specific moment and place as a result of joint practice. But why record Iive at all and not approach an ideal conception of a piece of music step by step.

Music is a bodily experience, an authentic way of expressing oneself. A live show is far more than just the enactment of a predefined musical pieces, it is their rebirth - the moment they actually come into being - time and time again. Mord Fuzztang are expressing musical energy in an urgent way. Their habitat is in music clubs, their mastery is providing a captivating experience. What we have experienced from the audience touched us and drew us in. These live recordings show both the great and the imperfect. They are the result of high concentration and joint coordination - of the underlying logic: «One or two takes and no overdubs!»

Jean Fies
Death Set Table

Black 12" vinyl gatefold packaging with scratch & sniff fragrance layers
Edition of 200

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